Dear Reader,
Do you ever feel like a referee? Or a drill sargent? And I am not talking about the ones that are revered, but the ones who are booed, yelled at, cussed at and overtly despised (At Ricks College the home team would throw tortillas at the ref's if there was a bad call made against their team). Well, I haven't had a tortilla thrown at me, yet. But I did have a lot of attitude thrown at me today. I have heard that if your children do not talk back to you or question e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. you do or ask them to do you are doing something right. Well I must have been doing a whole lot of right today because I had a lot of 'tortillas' thrown my way.
It all started at the beginning of the week when I grounded my boys from ALL media (not that they partake of it a lot... but enough to have it sting) They were such grumps about doing anything I asked them to do that I had to do something-so why not take away a favourite passtime. After I had had enough of their complaints I had them come into my room and talk it out. We started with a prayer, because we all know I need the help.
We made a plan. 'Lyman Family Expectaions' I let the kids take the lead on what they thought should be expected of them. It was so cute as they each took turns raising their hands and giving their answers (it took some of my anger away to see them take our meeting so seriously). Some of my favourites were, Don't break stuff, Don't lie, Tell the Truth. Then it was my turn, 'Lyman Parents' Expectations'. Fairly simple. I just want them to, as soon as they walk thru the door to hang up coats and backpacks and put their shoes away (Is that so much to ask? Apparently it is). They agreed, with the stipulation that if they had to rush to the bathroom they could do that first. The other main one was coming when you are called. This is HUGE in our family, as they come immediatly when dad calls but not when I call. I really h.a.t.e. that. So we had to set up rules and sub rules. So the first call is really a two minute warning, to finish up whatever you are doing. Second call is to come immediately or miss out on dessert, third call is instant timeout and fourth call is grounding. They made up the all the sub rules except for the second call.
But alas rules must be enforced. So I have become a drill sargent calling out calling for my cadetst o fall into line. Nevertheless there has been a lot of calling and warnings and pounding of feet on stairs as boys try to beat the no dessert call.
It is so hard to keep it up! Then I caught one of my boys in a blatant lie. Arghh! Anyway the day is finally over and a fresh start awaits me tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Good night dear reader.
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