Dear Reader,
I feel that I must respond to some of the comments and questions I have received regarding my very first post on the question, "How Do You Do It?"
I have had several people comment that they felt they were stupid to have ever asked anyone that question. Subsequently I feel a bit of guilt for having made anyone feel stupid. So let me explain further.
Just the other day after my eldest's basketball game one of the other mom's who is also my neighbour (and I am positve is not reading this blog) asked me in an exasperated tone, "Pam! I just don't know how you do it! Four boys! There is just quadruple of everything!"
How would you respond to this? Like this? I am amazing", or maybe, "I have no idea" or maybe, "I have a nanny" or say what I said, "I don't". I wish I were amazing. I had these four little men because I wanted to. And with that comes the responsibility of caring for them. Of course it is not ever easy and is often so hard that I could crumple up on the floor at any time of pure exaustion. But I wanted them and I adore them and have made a commitment to care for them forever. And besides all that, I want to. I love them.
I really don't know how to respond to this question. Are you asking me, complimenting me or saying (this is what I hear) that you could never do it, that you are so glad you dont' have my life, it looks so exhausting, and frankly it kind of sucks!
Please someone enlighten me!
Maybe I am taking this whole thing out of context. Probably.
So! From now on I choose NOT to be bothered (well I may be a bit bothered) with this question. But if you really want to know, then stay around to hear the answer, maybe offer some support.
Thank you.
If I ever ask this question to anyone in any situation it is usually in amazement and is meant to be a compliment. By saying, "How do you do it?" I am in fact saying, I don't know how you are doing it but I am amazed that you are doing it and I am in awe of you. I know that in anyone's life we take our life as it comes and deal with it one crisis and joy at a time but when you step back and look at the accomplishment it really is amazing that we all don't give up. So I say take it as a compliment, that you are still trucking along, doing an amazing job, and looking beautiful and happy doing it! Lots of love!
ReplyDeleteAngie S.
I agree with angie, I think you are amazing and really all mom's that are trying to do their best are. Although I do know what you are saying...I got asked that a lot after I had the fourth...I usually responded with "I'm obviously a little crazy"; which is what I assumed people were thinking anyway. Don't let it bother you. Nobody understands unless they are in your situation. I have a totally different situation but having four kids (with three boys) is crazy sometimes and hard and wonderful and I, as I know you, wouldn't trade it for anything. What others think good or bad really shouldn't matter.
ReplyDeleteTotal compliment. You are an amazing mother and I look up to you in all ways.