Dear Reader,
Adaptive, special, ABA, intervention, manipulatives, assistive, Sens-Aura, multi-sensory, Gotalk, standers, Snoezellen, Life Skills Classes, medically fragile, non-verbal, Trileptal, in-home support, respite, sensory, Dycem, service coordinators, utensil hand clips, CIIS and BigMac buttons are all words and terms that have become part of my new vocabulary. Maybe I never would have become acquainted with any of these terms if it hadn't been for Conrad. Sometimes I think that would be okay. It can be so wearying having to figure out how to adapt every single thing that has to do with Conrad's world, that I could either scream or curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. Today I feel like crying my eyes out.
I am sorry you had a bad day today Pam! Just remember how amazing you are and how much I (and I am sure many others) admire and look up to you:) You are Awesome! Take care- and have a better day tomorrow:)