Tuesday, April 15, 2014

For the love of laminating (oh and PODD)

Dear Reader,
I think I have found my newest passion... Laminating! Wow. The smell of the laminator heating up, the soft whir of the fan as it gets ready to plasticize your perfectly lined up project in its silky sheets. Loved it. I was quite saddened when I was finished. (Funny side note: my FIL also shares my obsession with laminating. Whenever we showed up at his office he would inquire if we had anything for him to laminate. He would hang his head if we couldn't procure something worry of lamination. However, we did laminate my husbands Social Security card. We found out later that it says right on the card "Do Not Laminate"..  Oh well. It will never get torn)

On to the main reason I was so excited to be laminating. PODD! (Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display).  'PODD is a means of selecting and organizing symbols so that people with complex communication needs and their communication partners can communicate more easily.' (www.novita.org.au)
After much research, planning, prayer, talking with other parents and teachers we decided that we would begin PODD. There has been so much success with it that how could I deny that it works. I am desperate for Conrad to communicate with us. He has so much to say and there is only so much guessing one can do before you decide this is not working. Let's find something that does.

He knows the PODD is his and he loves to look through it and find the TV icon. (figures, he is kind of an addict) It is going slow,  lots of modeling and breaking habits of just getting what he wants instead of either modeling for him how to ask for what he wants. But we are persevering. 

Please pray along with us as we give Connie his voice. Who knows, he may want to tell you thanks.

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS SO GREAT!!!!! I know Conrad with pick it up! He is such a smarty pants! GO CONNIE GO!
