Sunday, June 3, 2012


Dear Reader, I often feel this way - stuck. And not the kind of stuck you know is temporary - the kind with no end in sight. I am trying very hard to change my thinking. I just finished editing my book about my experience with raising a son with AS (angelman syndrome). Recently, I was talking to Matt about how he felt when Conrad was diagnosed with AS. His experience has been so very different from mine. Where I feel more of the challenge of raising a disabled child, he feels the blessing. Where I feel like I am spinning my wheels, he recognizes the opportunity to change our view of what our life could have been to what it is. Of course he is right - Conrad is a blessing and of course we have had to change our lives significantly to meet the demands required to care for Conrad. However, I still find myself feeling stuck. I just can't help it. Stuck can be relative. I have learned to see things differently from my vantage point. I have learned to be more patient, to listen and to wait and pause for answers. Although 'being stuck' gives the conotation of not moving or growing; it can be that way unless you learn to stretch and grow in the place you are stuck. Do you ever feel stuck? How have you learned to accept it or gotten unstuck. I would love to hear from you.