Monday, September 30, 2013

Lipstick and Shoes

I had just sat down after a super busy day of... errands and getting dinner on and off the table when I noticed something purplish on the bottom of Mr. Conrad's shoe. Oh and before I forget, why is it that it takes hours - well not really hours, but it does feel like hours - to get dinner on the table only for it to be scarfed down in mere nano seconds?) I would love to actually taste the food and take the time to enjoy what I am eating rather than after having only taken one bite, the boys have finished theirs and are asking to play with friends, watch tv or telling me to,"Hurrry up! Don't you know I have practice in two minutes!"
Ok, ok dear reader, I digress. Back to the purple on the shoe.
So, I had just sat down after a full day and noticed something on the bottom of Mr. Conrad's shoe (Yes, his shoes were not put away. gasp!). Hmm? Where did that come from? was the only thought that crossed my mind as I collapsed on the couch. It wasn't until the next day at approximately the same time as I was collapsing on the couch that I noticed my white rug (Ok so it is not really white - anymore - people. It is more of a grey. What do you expect with four boys who insist on keeping their shoes on inside the house despite my protestations and my threatening to throw their shoes away? And their insisting that,I "It's ok we have hard wood floors!" GAH! I can't win). So I put up with a grey rug that used to be white. But now dear reader....... It is not only grey. It is grey with purple spots. Yes. Purple. Spots.
Remember the 'something purplish' I saw earlier on Mr. Conrad's shoe? Turns out it was lipstick. Yep.
We all knew that he was a ladies man, but how did he get lipstick on his shoe?! It's not mine. I hardly ever wear lipstick and I am pretty sure purple is not my clour. Conundrum of the century.

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