Dear Reader,
According to Wikipedia; 'wrestling is a form of grappling type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. A wrestling bout is a physical competition, between two (occasionally more) competitors or sparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superior position'.
I was in a wrestling match today. During church. My opponent? Mr. Conrad.
There was grappling, grappling holds, pins, joint locks and a few takedowns. I attempted to maintain a superior position but was often thrown over. Because I couldn't very well pin my son to the ground and wait for the ref to count to three, I did the only feasible thing I could do. I called time and went home.
Conrad is now in his room watching a movie, drinking chocolate milk happy as a clown and I am at my computer telling you all about it.
Thank you for reading.
If you, dear reader, have anything you want to know please ask.
I feel ya. Two days ago I had to wrestle my daughter in the Church hall way. She is only 18 mos but somehow I can't pin her down on our pew, so I had to take it outside :(